Please be advised that bulkordernow.com is not a supplier. Bulkordernow.com provides a business information platform for buyers and suppliers over the world to connect. Thus we dont send goods to our buyers directly. If you want to buy prod
By following the instructions below, you can initiate your free membership at BulkOrdernow.
1. Click Register in the top-right corner of any bulkordernow.com page;
2. Complete the registration form and click Create My Account. Please be
If you did not receive activation mail in inbox or spam box, please click Click here to send the activation email again after 1 minute to get a new one.
You may meet the problems when you register: 1. Your email address has been registered as a member Please change another email address to set up your account. Or you can use the existed email address to retrieve your password. Click here to
Step 1. Click Sign In in the top-left corner of any bulkordernow.com page. Step 2. On the Sign In page, enter your account which is your user name or email address registered and password, and Click Sign In.
1. On the Sign In page, click Forget Password 2. Enter your account which is your email address or username, and enter verification code and click Continue . 3. You will be asked to choose use email or use mobile to retrieve your password. 3
If your account was banned by the system, it may be because: 1. The account has posted sales or other sensitive information with your buyer account. Please be noted that the buyer account shall be not allowed to post sales information on th
Your account may be deactivated due to a security issue being detected. Our security checks are carried out at random times on all members. They are run by bulkordernow.com to ensure that our website provides a safe trading environment for
1. Go to Home-Account Settingand find Change Email 2. You will be asked to change your account by Email Validation or Password Validation 3.1. If choose Through Email Validation, please finish the following steps: 1). Click Get the validati
1. Go to Home-AccountSetting and find Change Password 2. You will be asked to change your password through email. 3. Click Get Validation Code and a validation code email will be sent to you. Enter the code and click Submit 4. Enter your pas